DoubleScroll is not free. You are allowed to use the product for 15 days, after which you should either throw it in the trash can (bad choice) or register it (good choice). If you do not register, but insist on keeping DoubleScroll installed, a message will come up each time your computer starts up reminding you that the 15 day trial period is over and to register your copy. After registering, you are entitled to free updates to the program. These updates can be downloaded from America Online, CompuServe, and other BBS’s around the country (or world), as well as many places on the internet, including my web page (see 'Contacting the Author'). If you do not have access to any of these online services, I will gladly mail a disk with the latest version on it for $3.00 shipping and handling ($5 for international orders). VERY IMPORTANT - Version 1.1 and above require a different registration code than 1.0. If you are upgrading from 1.0, just let me know via e-mail or regular mail and I will send you a new registration code immediately. If you have registered 1.1 or later already, no new registration code is needed. To register your copy, run the Register program included with your DoubleScroll package. Fill out the pertinent information such as name, address, etc. as well as payment information. After your information is entered, you can either print the registration form or save it to a text file. Send this form to Kagi, along with the proper payment amount. Please do NOT send registrations directly to me, you will only delay your receipt of the registration code, as I will have to forward it to the Kagi service. Please make sure that you include an email address to insure that you get the registration code from Kagi. If you send your money in the mail, please check the ‘Postcard Receipt’ box in the Register program so that they will send you a reply. If you do not give your email address or check that checkbox, you will not receive the registration code. Within a few days after Kagi receives your payment, they will send you your registration code, which will stop the reminder messages from appearing on startup. Just enter it into the spot in the registration dialog box (gotten to by clicking the 'Register…' button in the DoubleScroll control panel) and you’ll be cookin’ with gas!